VOTE for Ranch to Receive $5,000 Difference Maker Award
In 2018, Arkansas Sheriffs’ Youth Ranches received a Difference Maker Award from Rainwater Holt & Sexton for our work protecting children from violence and abuse.
This year, in honor of 5 years of presenting this award to local charities, Rainwater Holt & Sexton will donate $5,000 to the charity that receives the most votes.
YOU can help the Ranch receive this $5,000 donation! Just click here to vote for Arkansas Sheriffs’ Youth Ranches.
Since 1976, the Arkansas Sheriffs’ Youth Ranch has raised more than 2,200 boys and girls from every corner of the state. These are children, who through no fault of their own, needed a safe, loving home where they can thrive. With your help, many more children can have this same opportunity.
As an organization that is 100% privately funded, every gift makes a difference and is very much appreciated. Please consider a gift to the Ranch today. To learn more ways to support, click here.