Springtime at the Ranches
Spring is one of our favorite times of the year at the Arkansas Sheriffs’ Youth Ranches. The cold months are past, and our campuses are budding with new life in many different ways. Our pastures and trees are turning green, flowers are blooming, and new calves are being born at our Batesville campus. Our boys and girls are finishing up their school year and are hopefully anticipating summer break and spending more time outdoors. Spring is a time of beauty and hope at the Ranches.
This year, as we celebrate our 40th Anniversary, we are thankful for friends like YOU. YOU have made the Ranches a place of hope and new life for more than 1,300 boys and girls. YOU have given these children a safe, healthy and loving place to call home. YOU are helping more brothers and sisters stay together at the Ranches. And with your continued support we will continue to give new life to many more children in the years to come.
I hope you will take a moment this spring to think about those who have made a difference in your life. I also hope you will consider remembering them by making an honor or memorial gift to the Arkansas Sheriffs’ Youth Ranches. These special gifts can be made for any occasion to say “thank you” for making a difference in your life.
You can make a gift right on our website and an email will be sent immediately to the recipient of your honor or memorial gift. If you don’t have that person’s email address, we will send an acknowledgment card via postal mail to notify the individual that you have made a gift in their honor. If you want to remember a loved one with a memorial gift, we will send a card on your behalf to the family of the deceased.
Even if you choose not to make an honor/memorial gift, you can still give the gift of hope to a child with a monthly Hope Builder gift.
• Your gift of $25 may not seem like much, but at the Ranches your gift becomes a monthly allowance that will teach a child financial responsibility.
• A monthly gift of $50 becomes school supplies for 12 children who are succeeding in school for the first time.
• Even a monthly gift of just $10 can buy two children can get a new pair of shoes that aren’t hand-me-downs, maybe their first new pair of shoes in their life!
When you join other Hope Builders by making a monthly gift, you are helping to build lives of hope for children who had none.
For 40 years, the Ranches have been giving Arkansas boys and girls hope and a place to call home thanks to gifts from individuals like you. In fact, more than 90% of our operations are funded through individual donations. But it takes consistent support to make a difference in the lives of the many boys and girls who call our Ranches home. Your gift this spring will have an immediate impact on the lives of the children we care for. Please join us in giving new life to these deserving children, and help us build hopeful lives for generations of children.
Did you know that a monthly contribution of just $25 can provide:
• New shoes for up to six of our boys and girls
• A monthly allowance for one child
• Caps and gowns for all of our graduates
• Birthday gifts for 12 children
• Feed for our Rancher’s horses for one month