Visit to the Humane Society

Some of the male Ranchers took a visit to the local Humane Society to catch up with new pups. Several of the Ranchers including: Mathew, Zach Kaleb and Robert bonded with the puppies during their trip!

They all had a blast with their new found friends and hope to visit again to learn more about animals.

Mathew (picture to the right) even decided he wants to be a Veterinarian when he grows up

One Rancher’s Special Birthday Gift

Chandler recently turned 18!

He also received a pretty nifty gift from the Ranch. What type of gift do you wonder?

None other than a backpack!

Chandler gave the thumbs up to his present as it will help him carry his possessions.

Catch Of The Day

Recently the Ranchers took a mini fishing trip to a pond located at the Arkansas Sheriff’s Youth Ranch. They spent hours out attempting to catch dinner…

Unfortunately they didn’t catch anything but tree limbs!

Pictures of all the fun can be seen below. We’ll be sure to keep you posted once they make a catch. 

For more pictures click below:

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Summer 2011 Crossroads Now Available

Click the image below to download   Crossroads Summer 2011 (PDF).

Church Camp for Ranchers

Ranchers took part in a local church camp this year.  Some of the boys even took on the responsibility of being camp counselors for the younger kids.  This gave our residents the opportunity to become responsible role models.  In addition, the Ranchers had lots of fun swimming and playing games.

Summer at Lyon College- APPLE Program

This summer Steven spent his time at the APPLE program hosted at Lyon College.  This program gives high school students the opportunity to gain college credits.  It is a 6 weeks Upward Bound program where high school students reside on the College campus and take classes.  This gives the students the opportunity to experience college life.

We’re proud of Steven for his commitment to education!

Summer 2011 Ranch Report Now Available!

Click the image below to download the Summer 2011 Ranch Report (PDF).

New Farm Life At The Ranch

Here at the Ranch we are starting a show program for the kids that involves our new sheep.  This is the easiest project to start, as far as a show project. After a few emails, a donor offered to buy the ranch a set of four ewe lambs to show in the fall.  We are also going to use the lambs to start raising our own flock of sheep. The lambs came from a breeder in Mississippi who is very well known for raising high quality show lambs. The Residents are excited about the new project and are soon going to start preparing the animals to show at the North Central Arkansas District Fair in the fall of this year.

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