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New Farm Life At The Ranch

Here at the Ranch we are starting a show program for the kids that involves our new sheep.  This is the easiest project to start, as far as a show project. After a few emails, a donor offered to buy the ranch a set of four ewe lambs to show in the fall.  We are also going to use the lambs to start raising our own flock of sheep. The lambs came from a breeder in Mississippi who is very well known for raising high quality show lambs. The Residents are excited about the new project and are soon going to start preparing the animals to show at the North Central Arkansas District Fair in the fall of this year.

I hope to grow the program to the point of raising our own show lambs and to take them to the Arkansas State Fair as early as next year. The program got started because I wanted the kids to have the opportunity to show animals and understand the importance of farming in many different aspects. With this program I feel our kids will learn responsibility, leadership, a hard work ethic, and an overall feeling of pride! The skills listed above are all traits that we should all strive to have, but they are especially something that the young people in today’s society need! We hope to soon expand the variety of animals to include goats and cattle.  Working with the animals will provide new and exciting opportunities for the kids here at the Ranch!

By: Philip Ives

About @YouthRanches

The Arkansas Sheriffs' Youth Ranches provide a loving, safe place to call home for children across Arkansas. Founded in 1976 by Arkansas sheriffs, ASYR has been home to more than 2,300 boys and girls from every corner of the state.