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Christmas at the Ranch

Christmas Ornaments now available from the Ranch

The Ranches’ Christmas ornaments are available again this year. Remember the Ranch during your holiday season by adding this ornament to your Christmas tree this year and years to come. For a $15 donation, you can order the ornament to be shipped to you directly. Get yours today by contacting Judi Qualls by phone at (870) 793-6841 Ext. 24 or by email at judi@youthranches.com.

Ranch fans can also check out the Christmas ornaments at this year’s 26th annual Country Christmas Craft Fair this Saturday, Dec. 10 at the Ranch campus near Batesville, Ark. For only $10, shoppers can pick up their Ranch Christmas ornament at the fair. Admission is free to all and the Fair will feature many fun-filled activities and various handmade crafts and gifts from participating vendors.

About @YouthRanches

The Arkansas Sheriffs' Youth Ranches provide a loving, safe place to call home for children across Arkansas. Founded in 1976 by Arkansas sheriffs, ASYR has been home to more than 2,300 boys and girls from every corner of the state.