Cheyenne Ingram, the houseparent at Faith Hall, has been with the Ranch for 28 years. She and her husband of 34 years, Rick Ingram have dedicated their lives to what they call a true calling from God. Cheyenne and Rick have two children of their own, Seth- 31 and Emily-22, who have grown up with the kids at the ranch and have become like brothers and sisters to everyone that lives there.
In a typical day I get up at 7a.m. and start getting breakfast ready. Around 9 a.m. the boys are all well fed and ready to start the day doing work crew. At noon we all go back inside to clean up and eat a good lunch. After work crew is over, my day usually progresses to going grocery shopping, doing laundry, or cleaning the house. Dinner gets started at 6p.m. and its free time for the boys until bedtime.
All the years I have been here there have been plenty of memories but one good memory that makes me laugh every time I think of it is one of a former resident. He disliked doing the dishes chore, but one night in particular he made the kitchen look spotless. After I had checked his work and went back to my own, one of the kids came to get me in order to show me something in the kitchen.
He pointed out to me that every dirty dish was stacked neatly between the refrigerator and the cabinet in the very small space between. This effort had to have taken more time than it would have to have actually washed them. When I asked the resident how this had happen he looked at me with wide, innocent eyes of disbelief and swore he didn’t know how they had gotten that way. Recently when this resident, who has since graduated and is on his way to college, called to check-in, we reminisced over this story and laughed at how young and ornery he once was.